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How do you achieve natural results or undetectable treatment?

We’re often asked this question and, if you’re going to invest in aesthetic treatments, you need to be assured that the result will be a softened, refreshed version of yourself, not that you’ve obviously had something ‘done’. It’s often the bad work which people notice and assume is normal for injectables – that’s not the case, fortunately.

We take a holistic view of your face, facial anatomy, expressions, facial movement, etc and plan treatment accordingly, so we respect what makes you uniquely you. Treatment is about subtly defining, strengthening, enhancing – with the emphasis on ‘subtle’! With the right choice of product, we can brighten, rejuvenate or lightly lift features where you have lost volume or radiance. The key is having the training, skills, experience, eyes and light touch to achieve these balanced results.

It’s always preferable to start with small amounts and add a little more in future, if and when needed.

There are many practitioners to choose from so make sure you ask questions and are fully assured of the doctor’s expertise and their particular approach. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

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