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What is IPL treatment good for?

Now the sun is tucked away for far longer periods, there are great devices we turn to to remedy the effects UV rays have had on skin over the summer (and over the years – the cumulative effect of sun exposure takes it toll).

These short days and lack of sunshine present the ideal time for treatments which require caution with sun exposure, like IPL photorejuvenation. Winter is perfect for IPL as any changes in pigmentation can affect the results so we need to wait until skin hasn’t had recent tan (even fake).

As you can see from the above before and after, IPL is super-effective at treating pigmentation and redness (often caused by the sun). It’s a great option to brighten your complexion, even out skin tone, address pigmentation, as well as improve texture and elasticity. IPl is worth considering if you’re looking for brighter, clearer skin as you move into the party season and then Spring!

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